Oil & Gas Process Operations

Process Operations: Control Room Technician

Duration:  3 days
Per Delegate:  £905.00

Practical Content


Theoretical Content


There are no prerequisites for this course.

Key Learning Outcomes

  • Gain an understanding of plant startups within control room operations.
  • Demonstrate an ability to operate plant startups within control room operations

Course Content

  • Introduction to the course, introduction to the use of the TSC laptop simulators, presentation and practical exercises using blackstart procedures for three selected utility systems (Instrument and Service Air, Power Generation, and Seawater), and end of day multiple choice knowledge check test.
  • Presentation and practical exercises using blackstart procedures for Wells, Separation and Oil Export, and end of day multiple choice knowledge check test.
  • Presentation and practical exercises using blackstart procedures for Gas compression and Triethylene Glycol (TEG) dehydration systems, and end of day multiple choice knowledge check test


Delegates will undertake an open book multiple-choice examination paper to demonstrate they have achieved the key learning outcomes detailed above.

PPE Requirements

PPE not required.

Further Information

This course exclusively uses ASET’s state of the art live and integrated process operations computer based software.

Target Audience
Target Audience

This course is for technicians making a move into the control room. They should possess a good understanding of basic process principles.


ASET International Energy Training Academy Certificate.

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