Health, Safety & Environment

Manual Handling Awareness

Duration:  1 day
Per Delegate:  £280.00

Practical Content


Theoretical Content


There are no prerequisites for this course.

Key Learning Outcomes

  • Understand the legislation behind manual handling.
  • Gain an understanding on how to lift and carry safely

Course Content

  • An overview of relevant legislation
  • Consideration of the implications of injuries associated with manual handling incidents
  • Correct manual handling techniques
  • The construction of the human frame and the health issues that can arise out of poor manual handling technique
  • Risk assessment techniques as they relate to manual handling
  • Practical instruction and delegate participation on:*Lifting and handling techniques*The use of mechanical lifting aids provided by the client


Delegates will undertake a multiple-choice examination paper to demonstrate they have achieved the key learning outcomes detailed above.

PPE Requirements

PPE not required

Target Audience
Target Audience

Personnel required to carry out manual handling techniques.


ASET International Energy Training Academy Certificate.

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