Digital Online Learning

Digital Online Learning: Explosion Protected Motors Inspection and Maintenance Awareness

Duration:  5.5 hours
Per Delegate:  £219.00

Practical Content


Theoretical Content


There are no prerequisites for this course.

Key Learning Outcomes

  • Illustrate a theoretical and technical knowledge in the dismantling, re-assembly and testing of explosion protected electrical motors.
  • Understanding of the requirements for the inspection and maintenance of explosion protected electrical motors.
  • Understanding protection concepts for Ex’d’; Ex’e’; Ex’n’ or N and Ex’p’ types of protection.

Course Content

  • Properties of flammable materials. Gas and apparatus grouping. Area and temperature classification. Ingress protection. Standards, Certification and label reading. Principles of Flameproof Ex’d’; Increased Safety Ex’e’; Non-Incendive ExN’n’ or N, Ex’p’ protection.
  • Non-Incendive (Non-Sparking) Ex’n’ or N Motors: Constructional features. Relevant British Standards and Codes of Practice.
  • Ex’de’ Motors: Constructional features of such motors and terminal arrangements. Relevant Standards and Codes of Practice. Applications. Consideration of the repair techniques permitted for Explosion Protected Motors.
  • Flameproof Ex’d’ Motors: Construction, Standards and Codes of Practice. Dismantling and inspection. Measurement of flamepaths. Bearing removal and fitting. Winding, cleaning and drying. Terminal marking. Electrical testing. Thermistors, RTD’s. Anti- condensation heaters. Reassembly and measurement of Flamepaths. Drive pulleys, pinions and couplings. Thermal overload devices and test running.
  • Increased Safety Ex’e’ Motors: Constructional features, specifically for the elimination of arcs/sparks and excessive surface temperatures. Standards and Codes of Practice. Limitations of use. Selection of overload devices with regard to tE time and Ia/In current ratios.


On completion of the full digital programme each delegate will undertake a multiple-choice examination paper to demonstrate they have achieved the key learning outcomes detailed above. The assessment has a pass mark of 80%.

Further Information

Delegates can access this course from any location with internet access and work through it at their own pace.

Target Audience
Target Audience

Personnel involved in the inspection and maintenance of explosion protected electrical motors, and where knowledge in their dismantling, re-assembly and testing is required. Prior knowledge of hazardous area principles is recommended.


ASET International Energy Training Academy Certificate.

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