Digital Online Learning

Digital Online Learning: Carbon Capture and Storage

Duration:  4 hours
Per Delegate:  £215.00

Practical Content


Theoretical Content


There are no prerequisites for this course. 

Key Learning Outcomes

  • Gain an understanding of the contribution of carbon capture technology towards the effect of climate change
  • Knowledge of how carbon is captured stored and transported.

Course Content

  • Introduction to Carbon Capture and Storage
  • Renewable energy
  • Scotland’s energy strategy
  • What is carbon capture and storage?
  • Advantages and disadvantages
  • Alternatives
  • Current and future projects


On completion of the full digital programme each delegate will undertake a multiple-choice examination paper to demonstrate they have achieved the key learning outcomes detailed above. The assessment has a pass mark of 80%. 

Further Information

Delegates can access this course from any location with internet access and work through it at their own pace. 

Target Audience
Target Audience

Anyone requiring an overview and basic understanding of Carbon Capture and Storage.


ASET International Energy Training Academy Certificate.

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