Assessor & Verifier Qualifications

Assess Workplace Competence Using Direct and Indirect Methods: Unit L&D9DI SQA SCQF Level 8

Duration:  2 days classroom
Per Delegate:  £1,540.00

Practical Content


Theoretical Content


There are no prerequisites for this course.

Key Learning Outcomes

  • Develop an understanding of how to prepare for and plan assessments.
  • Gain the skills to assess a candidate’s knowledge and performance and confirm their progression and achievement.

Course Content

  • Standards of competence
  • Assessment strategies
  • Assessor role and responsibilities
  • The assessment process
  • Planning for assessments
  • Evaluating evidence
  • Making and justifying assessment decisions
  • Giving feedback to candidates
  • Quality assurance measures
  • The people issues
  • Constructing and maintaining an Assessor CPD log (now a formal condition of maintaining Assessor status)
  • Assistance and guidance on how to construct a portfolio of evidence
  • Professional discussion.


  • Trainee Assessor must compile a portfolio of evidence to satisfy the awarding body criteria
  • To achieve this qualification the assessor candidate must assess the competence of two candidates on two separate occasions in their place of work using a set of recognised standards provided by the candidate’s employer. At least one of these assessments must be observed by the ASET Lead Assessor.
  • Review meetings conducted with the ASET Lead Assessor and the trainee assessor to authenticate the ongoing portfolio of evidence.
  • Final meeting for summative assessment of portfolio of evidence.

Further Information

Additional costs:

  • One assessment by an ASET Lead Assessor in the workplace (not including instructor travel & accommodation if required): £600+VAT
  • Interim assessment of portfolio: £200+VAT
  • Final verification of portfolio: £300+VAT

PPE Requirements

PPE not required.

Target Audience
Target Audience

Anyone within an organisation whose role requires them to assess the performance of others. The course is also aimed at those who require an understanding of the role of assessment within a Competence Standard System. This is a competence-based qualification; therefore this course is for individuals who will undertake the post-course work to achieve their award.


SQA Assessor certificate.

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